How to Download Redux and Why You Should Use It
If you are looking for a way to manage your app's state in a consistent, predictable, and scalable way, you might want to consider using Redux. Redux is a popular library that helps you write JavaScript apps that behave the same across different environments and are easy to test and debug. In this article, we will show you how to download Redux and use it with different frameworks, as well as explain the benefits and concepts of Redux.
download redux
What is Redux and What are its Benefits?
Redux is a Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps
Redux is a library that provides a centralized place to store your app's state, which is the data that changes over time as the user interacts with your app. The state is stored in an object called the store, which can be accessed by any component in your app. The only way to change the state is by dispatching actions, which are plain objects that describe what happened. To specify how the state gets updated in response to an action, you write pure functions called reducers that take the previous state and the action and return a new state. This way, you can keep track of all the changes in your app and ensure that they are consistent and predictable.
Redux Provides Performance Optimizations, Debugging Tools, and Data Persistence
By using Redux, you can also enjoy some additional benefits that make your app development easier and more efficient. For example:
Redux helps you avoid unnecessary re-rendering of components by using selectors, which are functions that derive data from the state and memoize the results.
Redux enables you to use the Redux DevTools extension, which lets you inspect the state and actions of your app, as well as perform time-travel debugging and error reporting.
Redux allows you to persist your state to local storage or other sources, so that you can restore it when the user reloads or revisits your app.
How to Install Redux with Different Frameworks
Installing Redux Toolkit for Simplified Redux Development
The easiest way to start using Redux is by installing Redux Toolkit, which is the official package that includes the core Redux library as well as other essential tools for writing Redux logic. Redux Toolkit simplifies most Redux tasks, such as creating actions, reducers, thunks, and selectors, as well as configuring the store and applying middleware. To install Redux Toolkit, you can use NPM or Yarn:
npm install @reduxjs/toolkit
# Yarn
yarn add @reduxjs/toolkit
You can also use a UMD build that defines a window.RTK global variable by loading it from a script tag.
Installing React-Redux for React Apps
If you are using React as your UI library, you will also need to install React-Redux, which is the official package that provides bindings between React and Redux. React-Redux lets you use hooks such as useSelector and useDispatch to connect your components to the store and access or update the state. To install React-Redux, you can use NPM or Yarn:
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# Yarn
yarn add react-redux
You can also use a UMD build that defines a window.ReactRedux global variable by loading it from a script tag.
Installing Other Libraries for Angular, Vue, and React Native Apps
If you are using other frameworks or libraries, such as Angular, Vue, or React Native, you can still use Redux with some additional packages that provide integrations. For example:
For Angular, you can use NgRx, which is a set of libraries that provide reactive state management and effects for Angular apps.
For Vue, you can use Vuex, which is a state management library that follows the same principles as Redux but with some differences in syntax and features.
For React Native, you can use React Native Redux, which is a fork of React-Redux that adds support for React Native components.
You can find more information and examples on how to use Redux with these and other libraries on the official Redux website.
How to Use Redux in Your App
Understanding the Basic Concepts of Redux
Actions, Reducers, and Store
To use Redux in your app, you need to understand the basic concepts of actions, reducers, and store. Actions are plain objects that describe what happened in your app, such as adding a new item to a list or fetching data from an API. Actions have a type property that indicates the type of action and optionally a payload property that contains any additional data. For example:
// An action that adds a new todo item
type: 'todos/addTodo',
id: 1,
text: 'Learn Redux',
completed: false
// An action that toggles the completion status of a todo item
type: 'todos/toggleTodo',
payload: 1 // The id of the todo item
Reducers are pure functions that take the previous state and an action and return a new state. Reducers should not mutate the state directly but instead create a copy of it and apply the changes. Reducers should also handle all possible action types and return the default state if the action type is unknown. For example:
// A reducer that handles the todos state
function todosReducer(state = [], action)
switch (action.type)
case 'todos/addTodo':
// Return a new array with the new todo item added
return [...state, action.payload];
case 'todos/toggleTodo':
// Return a new array with the completed status of the todo item toggled
return => === action.payload ? ...todo, completed: !todo.completed : todo
// Return the original state if the action type is unknown
return state;
The store is an object that holds the state of your app and allows you to access it, update it, and subscribe to changes. To create a store, you need to pass a root reducer function that combines all your reducers using the combineReducers utility from Redux Toolkit. You can also pass an optional preloadedState argument that sets the initial state of your app. For example:
// Import Redux Toolkit and your reducers
import configureStore from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import todosReducer from './todosReducer';
import visibilityFilterReducer from './visibilityFilterReducer';
// Create a root reducer that combines your reducers
const rootReducer =
todos: todosReducer,
visibilityFilter: visibilityFilterReducer
// Create a store with the root reducer and an optional preloaded state
const store = configureStore(
reducer: rootReducer,
todos: [
id: 1, text: 'Learn Redux', completed: false ,
id: 2, text: 'Build an app', completed: true
visibilityFilter: 'SHOW_ALL'
// Access the state of your app
// Update the state by dispatching actions
store.dispatch( type: 'todos/toggleTodo', payload: 1 ); // Toggles the completion status of the first todo item
// Subscribe to changes in the state console.log(store.getState())); // Logs the state every time it changes
Data Flow and Middleware
One of the key features of Redux is that it follows a unidirectional data flow, which means that the data flows in one direction from the store to the components and back to the store. This makes it easier to understand and debug your app, as well as to implement features such as undo/redo or time-travel debugging. The data flow in Redux can be summarized as follows:
The user interacts with a component, which dispatches an action to the store.
The store calls the root reducer with the current state and the action.
The root reducer calls the individual reducers with their respective slices of state and the action.
The reducers return new slices of state based on the action.
The store combines the new slices of state into a new state object and notifies the subscribers.
The subscribers, such as React-Redux, update the components with the new state.
Sometimes, you might want to perform some additional logic or side effects before or after an action is dispatched, such as logging, analytics, API calls, or caching. For this purpose, you can use middleware, which are functions that intercept every action and can modify it, delay it, or cancel it. Redux Toolkit comes with some built-in middleware, such as thunk and logger, but you can also create your own custom middleware or use third-party ones. To apply middleware to your store, you can use the middleware option in configureStore:
// Import Redux Toolkit and your middleware
import configureStore from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import rootReducer from './rootReducer';
import myMiddleware from './myMiddleware';
// Create a store with your middleware applied
const store = configureStore(
reducer: rootReducer,
middleware: getDefaultMiddleware => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(myMiddleware)
Following the Recommended Patterns and Practices for Redux
Using Redux Toolkit to Create Slices, Thunks, and Selectors
Redux Toolkit provides some useful utilities that help you write Redux logic in a simpler and more concise way. One of them is createSlice, which lets you create a slice of state and its corresponding actions and reducers in one function call. A slice is a collection of related state and logic that usually corresponds to a feature or a domain of your app. For example:
// Import Redux Toolkit
import createSlice from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
// Create a slice for the todos feature
const todosSlice = createSlice(
name: 'todos', // The name of the slice
initialState: [], // The initial state of the slice
reducers: // The reducers that handle the actions for this slice
addTodo: (state, action) =>
// Use immer to mutate the state directly === action.payload);
Another utility is createAsyncThunk, which lets you create a thunk action creator that handles asynchronous logic, such as fetching data from an API. A thunk is a function that returns another function that can dispatch actions and access the state. For example:
// Import Redux Toolkit
A third utility is createSelector, which lets you create memoized selectors that derive data from the state and optimize the performance of your app. A selector is a function that takes the state as an argument and returns some derived data. For example:
// Import Redux Toolkit
import createSelector from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
// Create a selector that filters the todos by the visibility filter
export const selectVisibleTodos = createSelector( // Use createSelector to memoize the result
state => state.todos, // The first argument is a function that returns the todos slice of state
state => state.visibilityFilter, // The second argument is a function that returns the visibility filter slice of state
(todos, visibilityFilter) => // The third argument is a function that returns the derived data
// Filter the todos based on the visibility filter
switch (visibilityFilter)
case 'SHOW_ALL':
return todos;
return todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed);
return todos.filter(todo => todo.completed);
return todos;
Using React-Redux Hooks to Connect Components to the Store
If you are using React as your UI library, you can use React-Redux hooks to connect your components to the store and access or update the state. The two main hooks are useSelector and useDispatch, which let you select data from the state and dispatch actions to the store, respectively. For example:
// Import React and => ( dispatch(toggleTodo( />todo.text)));
Conclusion and FAQs
In this article, we have shown you how to download Redux and use it with different frameworks, as well as explained the benefits and concepts of Redux. Redux is a powerful library that helps you manage your app's state in a consistent, predictable, and scalable way. By using Redux Toolkit, React-Redux, and other utilities, you can simplify your Redux development and enjoy features such as performance optimizations, debugging tools, and data persistence. We hope you have learned something useful from this article and are ready to start using Redux in your own projects.
Here are some frequently asked questions about Redux:
What is the difference between Redux and React?
Redux and React are two different libraries that serve different purposes. Redux is a state management library that helps you store and update your app's state in a centralized place. React is a UI library that helps you create and render components that display your app's state. You can use Redux and React together, but they are not dependent on each other.
Do I need Redux for my app?
Redux is not mandatory for any app, but it can be useful for some scenarios. You might want to use Redux if:
Your app has complex or dynamic state that changes frequently or depends on multiple sources.
Your app has many components that need to share or synchronize state.
Your app needs features such as undo/redo, time-travel debugging, or data persistence.
You want to have more control and predictability over your app's behavior.
You might not need Redux if:
Your app has simple or static state that does not change much or only depends on one source.
Your app has few components that do not need to share or synchronize state.
Your app does not need features such as undo/redo, time-travel debugging, or data persistence.
You are comfortable with using other methods or libraries for managing your app's state.
How do I test my Redux code?
Testing your Redux code is important to ensure that your app works as expected and to prevent bugs and errors. There are different types of tests that you can write for your Redux code, such as:
Unit tests, which test individual functions or modules in isolation.
Integration tests, which test how different parts of your app work together.
End-to-end tests, which test the entire user flow of your app from start to finish.
To write tests for your Redux code, you can use various tools and libraries, such as:
Jest, which is a testing framework that provides features such as mocking, assertions, snapshots, and code coverage.
React Testing Library, which is a library that helps you render and interact with React components in your tests.
Redux Mock Store, which is a library that helps you create a mock store for testing your Redux logic.
Cypress, which is a tool that helps you write end-to-end tests for your web app.
You can find more information and examples on how to test your Redux code on the official Redux website.
How do I debug my Redux app?
Debugging your Redux app can help you find and fix errors, as well as understand and improve your app's behavior. There are different ways to debug your Redux app, such as:
Using the Redux DevTools extension, which lets you inspect the state and actions of your app, as well as perform time-travel debugging and error reporting.
Using the Redux Logger middleware, which logs every action and the next state to the console.
Using breakpoints, console.log statements, or other debugging tools in your browser or editor.
You can find more information and tips on how to debug your Redux app on the official Redux website.
Where can I learn more about Redux?
If you want to learn more about Redux, there are many resources available online, such as:
The official Redux website, which provides documentation, tutorials, examples, and guides for using Redux.
The official Redux blog, which posts updates, announcements, and articles about Redux.
The official Redux YouTube channel, which features videos and playlists about Redux.
The official Redux Twitter account, which tweets news, tips, and links about Redux.
The official Redux subreddit, which is a community of Redux users and developers who share questions, answers, and discussions about Redux.
The official Redux Discord server, which is a chat platform where you can talk to other Redux users and developers.